Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions (regex) in Linux are powerful patterns used for searching, matching, and manipulating text. They provide a flexible and concise way to express complex search patterns. Regular expressions are …

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Basic tools in Linux

Basic tools in Linux refer to the essential command-line utilities that are commonly available on Linux systems. These tools are typically pre-installed and provide fundamental functionalities for managing and interacting …

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Filters in Linux

In Linux, the term “filters in Linux” typically refers to commands that are used to process or manipulate text data, usually by taking input from standard input (stdin), performing a …

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shell history

In Linux, shell history refers to a feature that keeps track of the commands executed in a shell session. It allows users to view and reuse previously executed commands, providing …

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Shell Variables

Shell variables in Linux are placeholders that stores information in form of variable and value to use it in shell scripts or commands. In shell scripting, the dollar sign ($) …

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Control Operators

“Control operators” in Linux are special characters that control the behavior of commands. They allow you to redirect input/output, combine commands, and control command execution. Examples include the pipe (|) …

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File Contents in Linux

In this section, we will discuss on all about the file contents in Linux. In Linux, file contents refer to the data stored within a file. The contents of a …

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Working with Files

In this section we will discuss on Working with Files Linux, files are the fundamental units of a storage that contains some data or information.These are organized within a hierarchical …

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Working with Directories in Linux

Working with directories in Linux is an essential part of managing files and organizing your file system. Directories, also known as folders, provide a hierarchical structure for storing and organizing …

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