How to Ignore Errors for a Specific Command in Bash

In Bash scripting, it’s sometimes necessary to execute commands while ignoring any errors they may produce, especially when the failure of a particular command should not disrupt the entire script execution. This guide will explain how to suppress errors for a specific command in Bash, ensuring clarity and practical implementation.

Using the || Operator

The || (logical OR) operator in Bash allows you to execute a command only if the preceding command fails (returns a non-zero exit status). By combining this operator with the true command, you can effectively suppress errors for the preceding command.


command_to_ignore_errors || true

Replace command_to_ignore_errors with the actual command you want to execute while ignoring any errors it may produce.



# Example command that may fail
rm non_existent_file.txt || true

echo "Script continues after ignoring errors"

In this example:

  • rm non_existent_file.txt: Attempts to remove a file that may not exist (which would normally produce an error).
  • || true: Ensures that even if rm fails (due to the file not existing), the script continues without halting execution.


  • Impact of Ignoring Errors: Ignoring errors can be useful but should be used cautiously. Ensure that ignoring errors for a command does not lead to unexpected behavior or data loss in your script.
  • Logging Errors: If errors should be logged or handled differently, consider using redirection (2>/dev/null to discard error output) or capturing the exit status ($?) for conditional logic.

Redirecting Errors (Optional)

If you prefer to suppress both errors and standard output for a command, you can redirect both streams to /dev/null:

command_to_ignore_errors >/dev/null 2>&1

This redirection sends both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to /dev/null, effectively silencing any output or errors from the command.


Ignoring errors for a specific command in Bash using the || true construct allows you to manage script execution flow more flexibly, especially when certain commands are expected to fail under specific conditions. By implementing this approach judiciously and understanding its implications, you can enhance the robustness and reliability of your Bash scripts in handling diverse scenarios.