User and Group Permissions: A Comprehensive Guide

User and Group Permissions


Understanding user and group permissions is vital for maintaining security and efficient management in Linux systems. In this guide, we will explore how permissions work, how to change them using commands like chmod and chown, and delve into advanced permission management using Access Control Lists (ACLs). This comprehensive approach will equip you with the knowledge needed to effectively manage file access in your Linux environment.

Understanding User and Group Permissions

In Linux, every file and directory has associated permissions that define who can read, write, or execute them. Permissions are divided into three categories:

  1. Owner (User): The user who owns the file.
  2. Group: A set of users who share access to the file.
  3. Others: Everyone else who is not the owner or in the group.

Types of Permissions

  • Read (r): Allows the user to view the contents of a file or directory.
  • Write (w): Allows the user to modify the contents of a file or directory.
  • Execute (x): Allows the user to run a file as a program or access a directory.

Permissions are represented in the terminal as follows:

-rwxr-xr-- 1 user group 0 Jan 01 12:00 file.txt
  • The first character represents the file type (e.g., - for a regular file, d for a directory).
  • The next three characters represent the owner’s permissions.
  • The next three characters represent the group’s permissions.
  • The final three characters represent others’ permissions.

Changing Permissions

To change file permissions, you can use the chmod command.

Using chmod


chmod [options] mode file

To give the owner execute permissions:

chmod u+x file.txt

Common Flags:

  • u: user/owner
  • g: group
  • o: others
  • a: all (user, group, others)
  • +: adds a permission
  • -: removes a permission
  • =: sets the permission explicitly


  • Add read permission for group:
  chmod g+r file.txt
  • Remove write permission for others:
  chmod o-w file.txt
  • Set permissions to read and write for owner, and read for group and others:
  chmod 644 file.txt

Changing Ownership

The chown command allows you to change the owner of a file or directory.

Using chown


chown [options] new_owner:new_group file

To change the owner of a file:

chown user:group file.txt

Common Flags:

  • -R: Recursively change ownership for all files and directories.


  • Change owner only:
  chown user file.txt
  • Change group only:
  chown :group file.txt
  • Recursively change owner and group:
  chown -R user:group /path/to/directory

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

ACLs provide a more flexible permission management method beyond the traditional user/group/others model.

Using setfacl


setfacl -m u:username:permissions file

To give a specific user read and write access:

setfacl -m u:username:rw file.txt

Viewing ACLs with getfacl


getfacl file

To see the ACLs of a file:

getfacl file.txt


Understanding and managing user and group permissions is crucial for system security and effective file management in Linux. Mastering commands like chmod, chown, and ACLs allows you to tailor access rights based on user needs and enhance the security posture of your system.

For a deeper dive into Linux commands and practices, visit Geekers Hub for more resources.

For further exploration, you can visit these valuable resources:


  1. What is the purpose of file permissions in Linux?
    File permissions control who can read, write, or execute a file.
  2. How do I check current file permissions?
    Use the ls -l command to view permissions.
  3. What do the numbers in chmod 755 mean?
    They represent permissions in octal form: 7 (read, write, execute), 5 (read, execute), 5 (read, execute).
  4. Can I use chmod with directories?
    Yes, chmod can be applied to directories to set permissions for file access.
  5. What happens if I use chmod 777?
    It grants all users full permissions (read, write, execute) on the file or directory.
  6. How can I remove a user’s access to a file?
    Use chmod to remove specific permissions or setfacl to modify ACLs.
  7. What is the difference between chown and chmod?
    chown changes the file’s owner and group, while chmod changes the permissions.
  8. How do I set default ACLs?
    Use the setfacl -d option to define default ACLs for new files created in a directory.
  9. Can I view ACLs for all files in a directory?
    Yes, you can use getfacl in combination with a loop in the shell.
  10. What does the -R flag do in chown?
    It applies ownership changes recursively to all files and subdirectories.
  11. How do I add multiple permissions with chmod?
    You can use commas to separate permissions, e.g., chmod u+r,g+w file.txt.
  12. Can ACLs be set on directories?
    Yes, ACLs can be applied to both files and directories.
  13. What if getfacl returns an error?
    Ensure that the file exists and that you have permissions to view its ACLs.
  14. How do I remove an ACL entry?
    Use setfacl -x u:username file to remove a specific user’s ACL.
  15. Can I revert to traditional permissions after using ACLs?
    Yes, you can remove ACLs and set permissions using chmod and chown.