Understanding chmod 1777 Permissions in Linux

In Linux, file and directory permissions are crucial for managing access control and system security. The chmod command allows you to set these permissions in various ways. One specific permission setting is 1777, which is often used for special purposes. This guide will explain what chmod 1777 means and its implications for file and directory permissions.

What Does chmod 1777 Mean?

When you set permissions to 1777 using chmod, it combines traditional file permissions with a special attribute known as the sticky bit. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  • 1 (Sticky Bit): The sticky bit is a special permission that affects the deletion of files within a directory.
  • 777 (Traditional Permissions): Grants read, write, and execute permissions to the owner, group, and others.

Breaking Down chmod 1777

  1. Sticky Bit (1):
  • The sticky bit ensures that only the file’s owner, the directory’s owner, or the root user can delete or rename the file within the directory. This prevents users from deleting or renaming files that they do not own, even if they have write permissions to the directory.
  1. Traditional Permissions (777):
  • Read (4): Allows the user to read the file or list the contents of a directory.
  • Write (2): Allows the user to modify the file or add and delete files in a directory.
  • Execute (1): Allows the user to execute the file or navigate into the directory.

Applying chmod 1777

To set chmod 1777, you use the chmod command followed by the desired permission and the path to the directory. Note that the sticky bit is generally applied to directories, not individual files.


chmod 1777 /path/to/directory


  • chmod: The command to change file and directory permissions.
  • 1777: Sets read, write, and execute permissions for everyone (user, group, and others) and applies the sticky bit.
  • /path/to/directory: The path to the directory you want to modify.

Common Use Case: /tmp Directory

The /tmp directory is a typical example of where chmod 1777 is used. This directory is used for storing temporary files by various programs. The sticky bit ensures that users can only delete their own temporary files, which prevents accidental or malicious deletion of files created by other users.

Checking Permissions:

You can verify if the sticky bit is set by using the ls -ld command.


ls -ld /path/to/directory


drwxrwxrwt 10 user group 4096 Jul 23 14:00 /path/to/directory


  • drwxrwxrwt: Indicates that the directory has read, write, and execute permissions for everyone and the sticky bit is set (t in the last position).
  • 10: Number of links (subdirectories).
  • user group: Owner and group of the directory.
  • 4096: Directory size in bytes.
  • Jul 23 14:00: Last modification date and time.
  • /path/to/directory: The directory name.

Security Considerations

The sticky bit is crucial for preventing unauthorized users from deleting or renaming files they do not own within a directory. However, while chmod 1777 provides open access for file creation and modification, it is essential to use it in directories where such open permissions are necessary and acceptable.

Summary of Key Points

  • Sticky Bit: Prevents unauthorized deletion or renaming of files within a directory.
  • Permissions (777): Grants full access (read, write, execute) to everyone.
  • Common Use Case: /tmp directory for temporary file storage.


Understanding and using chmod 1777 helps manage directory permissions in Linux, ensuring that while everyone has full access to create, read, and execute files, only the file owner or root can delete or rename their files. This setup is particularly useful for shared directories like /tmp, where open permissions are needed but without compromising file safety for other users. By applying the sticky bit correctly, you can enhance both functionality and security in your Linux system.