How to Print Directory Structure as a Tree in Linux

Visualizing the directory structure is essential for understanding the organization of files and folders on your Linux system. The tree command is a powerful tool that provides a hierarchical view of directories and their contents. This guide will explain how to use the tree command to print the directory structure in Linux.

Installing the tree Command

Before using the tree command, you need to ensure it is installed on your system. Most Linux distributions do not include tree by default, but it can be easily installed via the package manager.

Install tree on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tree

Install tree on CentOS/RHEL:

sudo yum install tree

Install tree on Fedora:

sudo dnf install tree

Basic Usage of the tree Command

Once installed, you can use the tree command to display the directory structure.




  • Running tree without any arguments displays the tree structure of the current directory.

Printing a Specific Directory

You can specify a directory to display its structure.


tree /path/to/directory


  • Replace /path/to/directory with the path of the directory you want to view.

Customizing the Output

The tree command provides various options to customize the output according to your needs.

Display All Files and Directories

By default, tree hides hidden files and directories (those starting with a dot). Use the -a option to include them in the output.

tree -a

Limit the Depth of the Tree

To limit the depth of the displayed directory structure, use the -L option followed by a number representing the desired depth.

tree -L 2


  • -L 2: Limits the display to two levels deep.

Display File Sizes

To include file sizes in the output, use the -h (human-readable) option.

tree -h

Display Permissions and Other File Information

Use the -p option to display file permissions, and the -f option to show the full path prefix for each file.

tree -p -f

Combining Options

You can combine multiple options to tailor the output to your specific needs.


tree -a -L 2 -h -p -f /path/to/directory


  • -a: Includes hidden files and directories.
  • -L 2: Limits the display to two levels deep.
  • -h: Displays file sizes in a human-readable format.
  • -p: Shows file permissions.
  • -f: Displays the full path prefix for each file.
  • /path/to/directory: The directory to be displayed.

Saving the Output to a File

To save the directory structure to a file, redirect the output using the > operator.


tree -a -L 2 -h -p -f /path/to/directory > directory_structure.txt


  • > directory_structure.txt: Saves the output to a file named directory_structure.txt.


The tree command is a versatile and powerful tool for visualizing directory structures in Linux. By using various options, you can customize the output to meet your specific needs, whether for documentation, debugging, or simply understanding the organization of your files. Ensuring the tree command is installed and knowing how to use its features will greatly enhance your ability to navigate and manage your Linux filesystem efficiently.