What is the main difference between /usr/bin/dir and /usr/bin/ls binary on Linux with examples?

/usr/bin/dir Binary:

The /usr/bin/dir binary is associated with the dir command, which is part of the GNU Core Utilities package commonly found on Linux systems. The dir command is used for listing the contents of a directory. While it might seem similar to the more widely used ls command, dir provides a different formatting style and a few distinct features.

/usr/bin/dir Binary Examples
  1. Displaying a Detailed Listing:
    dir /path/to/directory
    This command provides a detailed listing of files and directories in the specified location.
  2. Displaying a Summarized List:
    dir -C /path/to/directory
    The -C option formats the output in columns, providing a summarized list of files in the specified directory.
  3. Sorting Files by Modification Time:
    dir -t /path/to/directory
    The -t option sorts files by modification time, displaying the most recently modified files first.
  4. Displaying Sizes in Human-Readable Format:
    dir -h /path/to/directory
    The -h option formats file sizes in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB).

/usr/bin/ls Binary:

The /usr/bin/ls binary is associated with the ls command, another fundamental utility found in the GNU Core Utilities package. The ls command is used for listing directory contents. It provides a comprehensive display of files, including permissions, ownership, modification times, and more.

  1. Displaying a Detailed Listing:
    ls /path/to/directory
    This command provides a detailed listing, including file permissions, ownership, modification times, and sizes.
  2. Displaying a Summarized List:
    ls -l /path/to/directory
    The -l option formats the output in a detailed, long listing format, showing additional information.
  3. Displaying Hidden Files:
    ls -a /path/to/directory
    The -a option displays hidden files, including those whose names start with a dot (.).
  4. Sorting Files by Modification Time:
    ls -t /path/to/directory
    The -t option sorts files by modification time, displaying the most recently modified files first.

Key Differences:
  • While both dir and ls list directory contents, they have different default output styles.
  • ls is more widely used and provides extensive options for customization.
  • dir is less common and often used as an alternative with a different output format.

Both /usr/bin/dir and /usr/bin/ls binaries serve the purpose of listing directory contents on Linux systems. Depending on personal preferences and specific use cases, users may choose between dir and ls to suit their needs for directory exploration and management.